
H&A 2023 Goals

  • 10% reduction in printing volumes. Continue ongoing assessment of year over year printing volumes/targets and right-sizing for printer fleet.
  • Creation of a Waste Review Working Group with Facilities partners to develop a better understanding of waste collection streams and hauling systems to optimize waste diversion practices.
  • Transition all cutlery from plastic to compostable birch cutlery by Fall 2023.
  • Track all I-EDIAA events and engagements across Hospitality Services.
  • Determine # of Cool Food recipes on 5-week menu cycle in order to set a % goal for Cool Food recipes.
  • 25% reduction in food waste through the implementation of a trayless dining model on campus in Fall 2023, with additional water and electrical conservation benefits.
  • Hospitality Services, Queen's Event Servies, and the Donald Gordon Hotel and Conference Centre commit to renewing Rainbow Registered Accreditation every three years.
  • Transition to cashless operations across all Hospitality Services food locations. This is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation.

Sustainability Framework 

Hospitality Services is part of the Housing and Ancillary Services (H&A) portfolio, and together commit to advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the department. We call upon our leadership teams, staff, and community members to engage, invest, and commit to progressive, sustainable goals that will significantly mobilize efforts towards these objectives. 

The Sustainability Framework is a living document that records important drivers of progress in all 17 SDG areas through collaboration with stakeholders across the portfolio and Queen’s campus partners. 

To date, H&A’s achievements are most evident in the following SDGs: 

SDG 1: No Poverty                                           SDG 4: Quality Education   

SDG 2: Zero Hunger                                        SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities 

SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing              SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production   

Sustainable development is a collective responsibility. Housing and Ancillary Services strives to build innovatively and positively contribute to goals in all 17 SDG areas. H&A welcomes opportunities to expand partnerships with campus and community groups with a shared vision to make a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.  



Sustainability Initiatives

Campus Apiary

This living lab supports experiential learning and local food production.


PEACH Market

The Providing Equal Access Changing Hunger Market helps combat campus food insecurity.


LEED Building

Endaayaan-Tkanónsote targets Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.



The GOOD TO GO Reusable Container Initiative has diverted over 261,831 containers last year.