As the Vice-Provost, Global Engagement, I would like to respond to the current diplomatic issues concerning the Canadian and Indian governments. I want to take this opportunity to re-affirm our commitment to the values of inclusive community that embrace the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff, including those from India and with ties to India. 

I understand that this situation may cause uncertainty and stress to many in our community, especially members from or who have close connections with India. I want to emphasize that you are welcome here and that Queen’s is committed to supporting your wellbeing, safety, and success. A listing of resources available to faculty, students, and staff can be found below.  

Our linkages with India are of the highest importance to Queen’s. Queen’s is home to 500 students and postdoctoral fellows from India, who contribute greatly to the intellectual and cultural life of our institution. Queen’s faculty, staff, and students partner with universities, NGOs, and industry across India to advance knowledge and to address together pressing global challenges in many fields, from medicine to energy and beyond. Our alumni community in India is highly engaged and continues to grow.

At Queen's, we have embarked on a dynamic plan for deepening engagement within India, which is a part of our broader Global Engagement Strategic Plan 2023-2028. This regional strategy underscores our dedication to deepening our ties with India, both in terms of academic collaboration and cultural exchange. We firmly believe that through reciprocal cooperation we can achieve lasting benefits for post-secondary institutions in India, Canada, and for the communities we serve worldwide.

We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on this page.

Signature SdO
Dr. Sandra den Otter,
Vice-Provost, Global Engagement

Resources and Supports

For Students

Academic Supports

  • Undergraduate Students: Please contact your Academic Advisor within your faculty.
  • Graduate Students: Please contact the School of Graduate Studies or your supervisor. 

Health and Wellbeing

Through the , the university holds drop-in in-person or virtual advising, Monday to Thursday, 10-11am and 2-3pm, either email or book an appointment .

Student Wellness Services
If you are currently in Ontario, you can call 613-533-2506 from 8 am-4:30 pm, Monday to Friday to schedule an appointment with the counselling team at Student Wellness Services, or 24/7, you can call , 24/7, at 1-866-925-5454 or text GODD2TALKON to 686868 or contact crisis support and counselling through Empower Me.   

Cultural Supports, including Queen’s Cross-Cultural Counsellor

Faith and Spiritual Life
Faith and Spiritual Life offers multi-faith, non-judgmental support for religious, spiritual, personal, and financial problems, concerns, or crises. You can contact for support.  

For Faculty Members and Staff

Support resources for the Queen’s faculty and staff and their family members can be found at any time through TELUS Health One, Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP).

For Information on Travel to India

Please see the website.