Returning from Exchange

Please read the following carefully to ensure you will receive academic credit for courses taken while on exchange.

Transfer Credit

Your credits will not transfer back to Queen鈥檚 until you have completed the following five steps:

  1. Compile your host university course syllabi and reading lists;
  2. Visit your Department鈥檚 Undergraduate Chair to review courses counting towards your degree Plan requirements. Ask your Undergraduate Chair to sign your Post-Exchange Transfer Credit Form after all of your core, option and/or supporting courses have been assessed.
  3. Visit other Departments that might house electives you took on exchange and repeat step two. Consult with the International Programs Office if you are not sure where to go for assessment.
  4. Bring your completed form(s) to the International Programs Office.
  5. Wait to hear from International Programs Office staff regarding the transfer of your exchange credits.

You will be notified via email when the transfer of your credits is complete and will be provided with an official Statement of Transfer Credits and one photocopy of your host university transcript.


Transcripts are automatically forwarded to the IPO by the host institution for students participating on a formal Queen鈥檚 University exchange program.

After assessing the transfer credits, the IPO will forward the host institution鈥檚 official transcript together with a Statement of International Transfer Credits to the Office of the University Registrar at Queen鈥檚.

You will be provided, at no cost, with:

  • A photocopy of the Statement of International Transfer Credits
  • Stamped and signed photocopy of the transcript. A stamp reading 屎This is a certified true copy of an original document屎 will be followed by the signature of a member of the IPO staff and a second stamp reading 屎International Programs Office, Queen鈥檚 University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada".

Please note that, because of provincial privacy legislation effective 1 September 2008, neither the IPO nor the Office of the University Registrar is authorized to retain a copy of the host institution鈥檚 official transcript; therefore, no further copies of the transcript can be provided.

Students who anticipate a future need for an original official transcript from the host institution are strongly advised to obtain extra copies from the host institution during their stay. In most cases, this will be easier to arrange in person rather than by later correspondence. If students do need to order a transcript upon returning to Queen鈥檚, they should read the procedures for each institution.

Exchange Timeline

The timings listed below are approximate, and may be different for some students. Please remember, these timings are specific to the Queen's part of your exchange. Your host university will contribute to your overall timeline. 

Fall Exchange

  • December to January: Finalize transfer credits
  • January to February: Participate in re-entry workshops
  • January onwards: Seek out global events on campus
  • June to August: Apply to be a Peer Adviser
  • September to December: Participate in International Programs Office exchange events

Winter Exchange

  • June to August: Finalize transfer credits
  • June to August: Apply to be a Peer Adviser
  • September: Participate in re-entry workshops
  • September onwards: Seek out global events on campus
  • September to December: Participate in International Programs Office exchange events


Although not as obvious, preparing to return, and actually returning home are just as important as preparing to go. By anticipating social, psychological, and cultural challenges prior to returning, you can make a plan to address them and minimise their impact. Find out how to make your re-entry as smooth as possible.

Returning home resources

We want to hear from you!

We would love to hear from you if you have a photo, story, or video to share. Come by the IPO during office hours or email to tell us about your experience! You can also tag us on social @queensuipo.

Email us!