
The lab is equipped with various instruments applicable to the study of genetic bleeding disorders. Tissue culture is performed with Endothelial Colony Forming Cells (ECFCs) in our own fully equipped room, including a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) and incubator. Through our lab, we have access to other resources including flow cytometry and confocal imaging. We also work with McGill University to perform genomic analyses such as RNA-Seq and Sangar Sequencing.

 Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzer

Automated Blood Coagulation Analyzer

Analysis of samples using coagulation, chromogenic, and immunoassay methods.

Biological Safety Cabinet

Biological Safety Cabinet

Providing personnel and environmental biohazard protection as well as sterile conditions for tissue culture.

Vertical Gel Electrophoresis Unit

Vertical Gel Electrophoresis Unit

Hoefer SE 600 Chroma Standard Dual Cooled Gel Electrophoresis Unit for performing VWF multimeric analysis.