Catherine Stinson will be part of an upcoming panel, “Neurotechnology, Surveillance and Data Privacy”. The panel is part of the Surveillance Studies Centre’s upcoming multi-disciplinary conference, “A Neurotech Future: Ethical, Legal and Policy Perspectives”, co-organized with the Center for Neuroscience Studies and Faculty of Law at Queen’s University, and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

The conference will take place on April 22nd and 23rd, 2021, and will bring together academics from fields such as neuroscience, surveillance studies, philosophy, law, and policy studies. The conference is free and open to the public, with registration. For more information, click the buttons below.

From the Queen's Gazette (April 1, 2021):

"As new technologies develop, designing them for human benefit can be a complex challenge. Neurotechnology, considered any tool used to measure, intervene on, or artificially stimulate brain function, is an emerging technology with extensive potential societal impact. It has already demonstrated advanced applications to help those with neurological disorders, while also attracting the eyes of Silicon Valley and those with interests in its surveillance and personal augmentation potential. However, getting the human benefit right requires collaboration between different disciplines, beyond computing and AI, to fully grasp the social, ethical, and legal impact this technology can have on our lives. Researchers across faculties at Queen’s are bringing this conversation to the forefront with A Neurotech Future: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues, an open online workshop on Thursday, April 22."

  News Article: “Designing Canada’s neurotech future” | Queen’s Gazette