Collaboration News

A collaborative paper in Physics Review Letters

May 31, 2021

Quantized quasinormal mode paper published in great collaboration with colleagues in Berlin.

New publication with Howards Carmichael

Feb 12, 2020

New paper published with collaborator Howards Carmichael

Franke and Carmichael visits

Oct 01, 2019

Sebastian Franke and Prof. Howard Carmichael visits our group

Controlled dipole transparency with magnetic fields

Dec 15, 2018

New paper with collaborator, Professor Girish Agarwal

Quantized pseudomodes for plasmonic cavity-QED

Apr 11, 2018

A new publication working with collaborators at TU Berlin

Nonlocal quasinormal modes in Optica with Mortensen's group

Dec 04, 2017

A new publication with Asger Mortensen's group, published in Optica Journal.

A new paper with Amr Helmy's group on the theory of SERS

Nov 14, 2017

New paper with Amr Helmy鈥檚 group, published in Physical Review B.

New paper with Luca Sapienza's group in ACS Photonics

Aug 30, 2017

New paper showing a great example of how disorder can help improve complex nanophotonics designs.

New paper with Jeff Young's group on Lumerical Solutions

Jun 30, 2017

New collaborative paper with Jeff Young's group from UBC

A new paper in Physics Review B with Amr Helmy's group

Apr 17, 2017

A new paper with Helmy's group on hyperbolic metamaterial nanoresonators as a source