University Timetabling Committee (UTC)

The Queen鈥檚-QUFA Collective Agreement provides information on the membership, responsibilities and Terms of Reference for the University Timetable Committee. For current membership and recommendations, please navigate the menus below.

Article 37.3 University Timetable Committee

Last Updated: December 1, 2020

37.3.1 The responsibility for developing and recommending academic policies and procedures required to realize an effective and efficient academic program for scheduling classrooms and the undergraduate curriculum, and where appropriate, graduate programs is assigned to the University Timetable Committee. The Terms of Reference of the Committee are attached as Appendix H.

The University Timetable Committee shall comprise the following:

  • 1 Dean or Associate Dean
  • 6 faculty Members, including one Term Adjunct The University Registrar (or designate)
  • 2 Support Staff
  • 1 Student

The Committee shall be appointed by the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) or delegate, and the Provost and Vice- Principal (Academic) or delegate shall select the Chair (who is a Dean, Associate Dean or Member and who is a voting member of the Committee). The Association shall have the right to nominate two (2) of the six (6) faculty Members to the Committee.

37.3.3 The Parties recognize that from time to time it may be necessary and appropriate to change the timetabling system. These changes will be consistent with the principles outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding, attached as Appendix I.
37.3.4 The Association shall be informed of any proposals for significant changes to the system of timetabling that arise from the recommendations of the University Timetable Committee.
37.3.5 The Association shall be entitled to membership on any committee or group set up to adjudicate conflicts in timetabling and room allocation.


Appendix H - University Timetable Committee Terms of Reference

Last Updated: December 1, 2020

The University Timetable Committee will be responsible for developing and recommending academic policies and procedures required to realize an effective and efficient academic program for scheduling classrooms and the undergraduate curriculum, and, where appropriate, graduate programs. The University Timetable Committee will be guided in its deliberations and recommendations by the University Scheduling Priorities and Principles approved by the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) and Academic Deans. Some specific key issues for this Committee to consider are:

  • To develop one University administrative calendar for preparing the University timetable, to include both graduate and undergraduate curricula. (The calendar will include a schedule review period by the academic Departments prior to the final run of the scheduling software, which will include defined timelines to complete the process. The calendar should include, as well, a monitoring and review process with all constituents after the start of each semester to make modifications and prevent recurrence of issues during subsequent processes.)
  • To define the University鈥檚 meeting patterns in terms of:
    • Hours of the day and days of the week for normal scheduling
    • Length of the scheduled teaching periods
    • Common timing
    • Number of consecutive hours students are to be in class on any one day
    • Maximum number of hours students are to be in class on any one day
    • Maximum number of different classes in one day
    • Faculty teaching loads and nature of appointments
    • Research needs of Faculty
    • Teaching preparation needs of Faculty
  • To determine the definition of a bona fide 鈥淣SD鈥 (No Slot Designated) course time offering, a process for submitting an approved 鈥淣SD鈥 to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) for scheduling, and the scheduling priority for those 鈥淣SD鈥 courses that are outside the standard definition.
  • With reference to Article 37.2.8 of the Agreement, utilize the tool approved by the Parties regarding Member timetabling requests.
  • To review the existing practices and reasons that lead to late room changes (after the timetable has been formally assigned rooms, as well as after classes have begun) and, if appropriate and feasible, recommend revised policies and procedures that will rationalize and minimize the number. This step will involve developing defined reasons for changes and an authorization process.
  • To determine if it would be beneficial to schedule tutorials with other course offerings and, if so, develop a protocol.
  • To determine the appropriate process for identifying student academic cohorts and a protocol for ensuring the correctness of this data annually.
  • To determine an appeal process for decisions related to room assignments. The University Timetable Appeal Committee will adjudicate such appeals.
  • The membership of the University Timetable Committee is as agreed to in Article 37.3.2 of the Agreement.


2023/2024 Members
William Nelson, Chair Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Faculty of Arts and Science
Aphra Rogers Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Carlos Escobedo Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
Chris Ward Department of Biomolecular and Molecular Sciences
Leigh-Ann Fingland Smith School of Business
Meghan Norris Department of Psychology
Tracy Al-idrissi Office of the University Registrar
Paul Pearsall Office of the University Registrar
Jo Brett Office of the University Registrar
Andrew Leger Centre for Teaching and Learning
Julian Mollot-Hill Alma Mater Society (AMS)
Kaveesha Jayawardena, Secretary  Office of the University Registrar

Background: Recommendations to the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

Last Updated: October 15, 2002

1. Computer-Assisted, Centrally Coordinated Timetabling System, hereinafter referred to as the "system."

There are several distinct advantages to following a computer-assisted, centrally coordinated timetabling system. This system will allow:

  • modelling and testing the implications of:
    • program changes
    • different types of slot systems or timetabling patterns
    • changes to the availability of rooms
    • changes in student enrolments
  • the facilitation of interdisciplinary and cross-Faculty program and course scheduling;
  • conflicts to be readily identified and remedied;
  • the University to monitor more effectively the use of space and to identify opportunities for improving space usage;
  • the prediction of the need for certain types of rooms. With this software the University should be able to monitor more effectively the types or styles of teaching rooms most often or least often requested. This will assist in planning future building initiatives or the renovation of existing classroom space;
  • for reduced workload and frustration for timetable consultants; and
  • requests from instructors concerning rooms and timetabling to be more easily evaluated and accommodated where possible.

2. Reporting Structures

It is recommended that the University Registrar make a formal annual report on timetabling and space usage as it pertains to this system to Senate, through SCAP, and to the Vice-Principal (Academic).

3. Availability of Timetable Information

It is recommended that the University make university-wide timetabling information available via the web.

4. The Queen's "Slot System"

It is recommended that the University test the current slot system against alternate systems. Ideally, the final recommendation on the slot system should be made available for implementation in September 2004.

5. The Teaching Week

It is recommended that the normal teaching week continue to be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Changes in the slot system may result in changes in the normal teaching week. Regular academic activities will not normally be scheduled or held between 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. to create open time in the week for student activities.

Evening Courses

Evening courses should be:

  • held between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m.; (revised Jan 2005 - 6:30 and 9:30 -see Basic Rules)
  • assigned a separate slot system; and
  • excluded from the definition of the "normal teaching week."

No Slot Designated courses (NSDs) (Excludes slotted evening courses)

Courses offered outside the regular slot system (No Slot Designated courses) create significant complexities and inefficiencies in both timetabling and room allocations. The Working Group recommends that requests for such offerings should be:

  • Processed after all regularly slotted courses have been given rooms.
  • Allowed if the NSD does not disadvantage other Faculties, instructors or students.
  • Justified to the Office of the University Registrar, with a copy to the Faculty Office for information, by the unit head with clearly articulated reasons. (The OUR may consult with the University Timetable Committee for advice where necessary.)

6. Constraints on Timetabling

In producing an annual timetable for the University it will be the responsibility of all involved, at both Unit and central levels, to ensure that the Principles of Timetabling established by the University Timetabling Committee are followed.

7. Process

It is recommended that a set of procedures for the development of the timetable be developed to outline the interrelationship among the individual units and certain timetabling offices.

8. Adjudicating Among Units

Every effort should be made to resolve conflicts at the unit or Faculty level. Inevitably cases will arise in which there are conflicts in timetabling and room allocation. It is recommended that, in cases where no easy resolution can be found, these conflicts should be referred to an adjudicating body established by the VP Academic. This body will be called the University Timetabling Appeal Committee.

9. Implementation

The Working Group recommends that the University implement these recommendations by September 2004, with the exception of 5. The committee recommends that this item, "The Teaching Week," be implemented for timetabling effective September 2003.