Our Members

Our mission has always been to welcome newcomers into the Queen`s family. Originally, membership was open to `woman administrative officers holding the post of Dean of Women, Registrar, or Librarian and women teachers of the rank of Instructor or higher. Also wives of widows of University Administrative Officers, Trustees and teachers of the rank of Instructor or Clinical Assistant or higher could become members. Considering the lack of facilities available during the war years and the numbers who were interested in joining, this membership definition made sense at the time.

Membership has ranged from an initial 125, to a high of 267 (Tercentenary Year) and currently stands at 220 (2012). Our members are affiliated with every Faculty and School, with the Office of the Principal, and with the Board of Trustees.

Faculty and Staff Positions Held by Members

Members have personally held Queen's positions as Faculty and Staff in the following departments, centres, and schools:

  • Business
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Industrial Relations
  • Law
  • Math and Science
  • Medicine (various)
  • Music
  • Psychiatry
  • University Registrar
  • Sociology

Members' Involvement with University Bodies

Association with the University is highly valued, resulting in a commitment to promote, enhance and support initiatives and projects at Queen's and in the wider community. Members serve or have served on such University bodies as:

  • Agnes Etherington Gallery Association
  • Association of Women Teaching at Queen鈥檚
  • Ban Righ Centre and Board of Directors
  • Ban Righ Residence Board
  • Kingston Seniors Alumni Association
  • Queen鈥檚 Board of Trustees
  • Queen鈥檚 Senate and Senate Committees
  • Queen's Faculty Association
  • Queen's Staff Association
  • Queen's United Way
  • Retirees at Queen鈥檚 (RAQ)
  • University Council
  • University Council on Athletics

Members' University Awards

Several of our members are recipients of Queen's awards:

  • John Orr Award
  • Padre Laverty Award
  • Distinguished Service Award
  • Alumni Herbie Award
  • Queen's Staff Award

Members' Involvement in the Community

Many of our members are or have been involved in a wide array of local organizations, generating a spirit of good will and pride in 'town-gown' relationships and enhancing the image of Queen's. It is clearly evident that a tremendous spirit of volunteerism permeates the FWC/QWA. It manifests itself in the countless hours devoted to committee work and projects associated both with Queen's and the Greater Kingston Community.

  • Alzheimer Society Board
  • Andy Fund Board
  • Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kingston
  • Canadian United Kingdom Dance Club
  • Cantabile Choir, Founding Chair
  • Child and Youth Worker Council, St. Lawrence College
  • COGECO, Interviewer
  • Community Foundation of Greater Kingston
  • Domino Theatre
  • Elizabeth Cottage Board
  • Elizabeth Fry Society
  • Friends of the Library Board
  • Frontenac County Children's Aid Society
  • Girl Guides Association
  • Helen Tufts Nursery Board and Tutorial Program
  • H'art School of Smiles
  • Hospice Kingston Board
  • KFL&A Health Unit Board
  • Kingston Handloom Weavers and Spinners Guild
  • Kingston Historical Society
  • Kingston Horticultural Society
  • Kingston General Hospital Auxiliary
  • Kingston Naval Veterans Association
  • Kingston Opera Guild
  • Kingston Rideau Trail Association
  • Kingston Symphony Association
  • Kingston Symphony Book Fair
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Social Planning Council of Kingston
  • Sunnyside Children's Centre Board
  • University Women's Club

Membership Fees

Fees originally were $1 per year, then raised to $4, then $8, then $30 in 1999, $50 in 2000 and $60 in 2013.