Approval of Naming Recognizing Philanthropic Donations of Less Than $1 Million

Final Approval Body: Senior Leadership Team

Senior Administrative Position with Responsibility: Vice-Principal (Advancement)

Date Approved: May, 2022


All capitalized terms in this procedure have the same meaning ascribed to them by the Naming Policy.

Purpose of Procedure

This procedure outlines the steps required to secure approval for a Naming in recognition of Philanthropic Donations of less than $1 million.


It is the responsibility of individuals discussing Philanthropic Donations with potential Donors on behalf of the University to advise potential Donors that Philanthropic Donations do not automatically include Naming recognition. 

No person or unit may give a Name to a University Asset (see Section 3. Scope of the Naming Policy  for definition) unless the Naming has been approved by the Board of Trustees or its delegate(s) in accordance with the Naming Policy and this procedure. 

If a Naming recognizing a Philanthropic Donation expires after a limited-term, the University can give that Donor - if still living - the first opportunity to make an additional Philanthropic Donation to renew the Naming for another limited-term. The University Asset will only be available for another Naming if the original Naming is not renewed and the Board of Trustees or its delegate(s) supports a new Naming for that University Asset. 

Step 1 - Individuals contemplating a Naming to recognize Philanthropic Donations should first consult with the Donor Relations unit in the Office of Advancement for information and expertise. If it is decided that a proposal for Naming will proceed, the proponent of this Naming must submit a written explanation of and rationale for the proposed Naming, as well as an explanation of how the Naming would contribute to advancing University objectives (Naming Proposal) to the Donor Relations unit in the Office of Advancement.
Responsible officer/unit - Proponent

Step 2 - A Naming Proposal must be supported in writing by the individual with responsibility for the University Asset being Named. For instance, in the case of assets managed by University administration, this individual may be a VP, Dean or Director, and in the case of University Assets managed by students, this individual may be the leader of a student governance body. For any Naming, the University shall also seek, where possible, written support for the Naming from the intended honouree or, if deceased, members of the intended honouree鈥檚 family. Written support for the Naming from the intended honouree 鈥 which can be a Gift Agreement if the honouree is the Donor of the Philanthropic Donation the Naming recognizes - or, if deceased, their family must be included in the Naming Proposal. The Donor Relations unit of the Office of Advancement will work with the proponent of the Naming to secure these letters of support for the Naming Proposal. When the Naming Proposal and letters of support are completed, the Office of Advancement will present them to the next scheduled meeting of a constituencies advisory group (鈥淎dvisory Group鈥) to provide input into the Naming Proposal. The purpose of the Advisory Group is to create an opportunity for more input into the Naming process; the Advisory Group it will include representatives from the following constituencies: faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees. The Office of Advancement will forward the Naming Proposal, letters of support, and input from the Advisory Group to the University Secretariat.
Responsible officer/unit - Office of Advancement

Step 3 - The Vice-Principal (Advancement) will review the Naming Proposal and can seek additional input or information if required. Authority to approve the Naming rests with the Vice-Principal (Advancement). The Vice-Principal (Advancement) will issue a written decision on the Naming Proposal to the proponent of the Naming as the official record of decision on the Naming Proposal.
Responsible officer/unit - Vice-Principal (Advancement)

Step 4 - A list of Namings approved by the Vice-Principal (Advancement) will be submitted to the External Relations and Development Committee of the Board of Trustees at their next scheduled meeting for information as the official record of the Naming.
Responsible officer/unit - Vice-Principal (Advancement)

Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines

Queen鈥檚 University Gift Acceptance Policy
Queen鈥檚 University Naming Policy
Procedure for Approval of Service and Commemorative Naming
Procedure for Approval of Naming Recognizing Philanthropic Donations of $10M or more
Procedure for Approval of Naming Recognizing Philanthropic Donations of 1M but less than $10M
Procedure to Revoke a Naming
Procedure for Academic Namings 鈥 revisions deferred until 2022-23 

Responsible Officer: Vice-Principal (Advancement)

Contact: Donor Relations Officer, Office of Advancement