Conduct Records

What is a conduct record?

A conduct record consists of the case files from non-academic misconduct (NAM) matters. A case file may include incident reports, investigation reports, decisions, informal resolution agreements, and communications to involved parties.

NAM records are stored on the Advocate Case Management System, which is a secure system that only authorized staff have access to.


Transcript notation

In most cases, Non-Academic Misconduct does not appear on your transcript.

The only exception is in cases that result in a Requirement to Withdraw, which is noted on a transcript as per the Policy on Transcript Terminology. A Requirement to Withdraw includes suspension and expulsion.

How long does a conduct record exist?

The retention countdown starts at the end of the school year in which the case is closed. Once the countdown is complete, the file is destroyed.

If a violation is found, the case file is kept for seven years. If no violation is found, the case file is kept for one year.

For cases that involve sexual violence, the case file is kept for 99 years.

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