Mastering Interpersonal Dynamics: Effective Communication and Conflict Management

Offered in partnership with Queen's world-class and award-winning , this exclusive, made-for-FAS professional development program has been thoughtfully designed for FAS staff in response to staff feedback.

Program Overview

Every workplace experiences conflict and miscommunications. How we respond to and handle these issues is an important measure of our effectiveness in the workplace.

Participants will discover their conflict style by completing a ahead of the training. During the program, a confidential report will explain their scores on each of the five conflict-handling modes, as well as a detailed interpretation of what those scores mean. By reflecting on their personal results, and how their conflict style affects how they communicate and engage in conflict, participants will learn how to approach common workplace issues constructively and effectively.

This highly interactive program features practical tools and multiple exercises that build on one another, as well as opportunities to practice different intervention strategies and conflict resolution skills in the context of common everyday workplace interactions. Using case studies, hands-on exercises and small group work, participants will learn how to anticipate and better understand the dynamics of workplace communication at Queen's. They will leave with tools and techniques to assist them when dealing with challenging situations.

Cost: Free for FAS staff!

Questions? Contact Maryanne Wainman, Project Manager, Organizational Design