Gaels Give

Gaels Give is the Queen's Student Alumni Association's (QSAA) annual fundraising initiative that aims to support Queen's students while advancing the spirit of philanthropy in among the student body through initiatives students care about.

The QSAA recognizes the significant contributions that alumni make to the Queen's community through their volunteerism and financial support. Gaels Give inspires that same spirit of generosity among students. The QSAA chooses a fund on campus that is in need of support every year and raises funds to make a significant gift at the end of the academic year.

Student Health and Wellness Fund

During the 2023-2024 academic year, the Gaels Give initiative is supporting the . The QSAA selected this fund to address the impact that experiences relating to mental health, awareness, inclusivity, and peer support have on the student community. Supporting this fund and the work of the various wellness initiatives on-campus will contribute to building a sense of community amongst students when it comes to improving health and wellness. 

Please consider making a gift to support this initiative.