Get Involved

Queen's Student Alumni Association (QSAA) aims to connect students to their future as engaged alumni, by facilitating workshops, programming, panels and events, including alumni mentorship,  alumni speaker events, and Road to Graduation programs. 

QSAA hires a president, five directors, and a large team of ambassadors each year. Directors gain volunteer and project management skills specific to their portfolios. Ambassadors work under their director's portfolios to help bring programming to students.

Director positions

Our Directors help deliver events, network with successful alumni, attend exclusive alumni events, and meet students from different years and faculties. The President role is responsible for hiring and leading the Director and Ambassador volunteer team, as well as establishing the vision, management, and delivery of all QSAA programming and communications. 

Time Commitment

Director positions are a volunteer one-year commitment. The average time commitment is 8 - 10 hours a week per term dependent on event and meeting activity. 

Staff Contact

The QSAA works with the Alumni Officer, Student & Young Alumni, Office of Advancement.

Director of Volunteers has a strong focus on recruitment, training, hiring, human resources, recognition, and awareness of the QSAA. In this position, the director will train the executive and ambassador teams on the QSAA Code of Conduct and assist with awareness initiatives. 

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and implement QSAA goals and objectives.
  • Develop plan for hiring, training, and volunteer initiatives.
  • Oversee recruitment and hiring.
  • Attend regular QSAA meetings and stay informed on QSAA activities.

The Director of Giving will work with Office of Advancement staff supporters in the identification and implementation of the Gaels Give priorities, working directly with the QSAA Leadership on implementing specific organizational strategic philanthropic priorities. This position will report to the QSAA President.

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and implement QSAA goals and objectives.
  • Develop a plan for the giving initiatives and philanthropic education.
  • Identify and set fundraising targets.
  • Meet with Advancement Development professionals to learn about the philanthropic engagement of students.
  • Raise the profile of student giving and develop philanthropic education opportunities for students.
  • Participate in key Gaels Give and QSAA events and programs.
  • Attend regular QSAA meetings and stay informed on QSAA activities.

Director Marketing & Communications will be responsible for the branding, promoting, and amplification of the QSAA mission, and increasing the visibility of the organization on campus and in the Queen鈥檚 community. This will be done through the use of print, social, email, and web while exploring other advertisement vehicles. The Director of Marketing and Communications will create communication plans for the QSAA signature events and giving initiatives. 

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and implement QSAA goals and objectives.
  • Develop strategic marketing plans:
    • for the QSAA programs and events, 
    • campus awareness during Orientation Week,
    • QSAA Ambassador recruitment.
  • Implement marketing and communication plans across email, web, social media, and print. 
  • Promote the QSAA and awareness of the alumni network.
  • Attend regular QSAA meetings and stay informed on QSAA activities.

Director of Student Transition will be responsible for the implementation of the programs and events designed to transition students to their lifelong relationship with Queen鈥檚 University. This position will have a strong focus on professional skill development and event implementation.

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and implement QSAA goals and objectives.
  • Develop and plan a calendar of events.
  • Lead the strategic direction of QSAA events 
  • Direct and guide the Ambassador Team during event set-up, execution, and tear-down.
  • Responsible for maintaining the event schedule and logistical coordination of all QSAA events. 
  • Attend regular QSAA meetings and stay informed on QSAA activities.

Director of Mentorship will be responsible for the implementation of the Mentorship Program. This requires the ability to match students with compatible alumni, based on industry interests or experiences, professional aspirations and personal qualities. As a new portfolio to the QSAA, the Mentorship Director is responsible for expanding the program and creating greater awareness of the program and its benefits, on and off campus.

Key Responsibilities

  • Identify and implement QSAA goals and objectives.
  • Develop and plan a calendar of QSAA programs.
  • Direct the mentorship program, maintain the monthly mentorship newsletter, and update the program handbook.
  • Responsible for the mentorship program, pairings, and fascilitating meetings between student and alumni. 
  • Direct and guide the Ambassador Team in supporting QSAA programs. 
  • Fasciliate the mentorship program survey. 
  • Attend regular QSAA meetings and stay informed on QSAA activities.

QSAA team works to foster connections between Queen鈥檚 students and Queen鈥檚 alumni. As a QSAA volunteer, you will encounter unique and exciting opportunities to connect students with alumni, help prepare students for their future after graduation, develop leadership and professional development experience, and gain a deeper knowledge of the Queen鈥檚 community.