New faculty: how to transfer an existing grant to Queen鈥檚

Are you a new Faculty member coming to Queen鈥檚 with existing Grants? Below we have provided you with some Queen鈥檚 resources on our internal grant administration system called Tools for Research at Queen鈥檚 (TRAQ). TRAQ is a central hub for grants, contracts and applicable certifications.  

The Vice-Principal Research Portfolio  who assist with setting up your Grants and administering any changes through the lifecycle of your grant.  

Please reach out to our staff at any time if you require assistance submitting a grant application, have a new award, or require changes to an existing grant.

To transfer a grant from another institution to Queen鈥檚 the Tri-agencies provide the following information in the financial admin guide 鈥溾.

For non Tri-agency grants please check your award letter for agency-specific requirements.

  1. Please contact your primary administering institution's office of research services to arrange this change of institution.  The primary institution (awarded the initial grant) will need to complete and submit the  along with an outstanding commitments form 303 (Queen鈥檚 will need to sign this as well).
  2. The appropriate Tri-agency will approve this request and will arrange to transfer the grant to Queen鈥檚.
  3. The PI will need the following to set up a grant at Queen鈥檚:
    1. A Queen鈥檚 appointment
    2. Queen鈥檚 user ID for the TRAQ Researcher Portal
      • Please note: This is only required if you do not yet have a Queen鈥檚 USER ID.
    3. Create a TRAQ Data summary Sheet (TRAQ DSS) File for your grant
      • Note: The TRAQ DSS system is used for grants, awards, contracts and hospital based research.  This is separate from the certifications modules (ethics, biohazard and animal care).  It is important to reference your TRAQ DSS # when communicating with Research Administration staff or the helpdesk so they can locate the file you are referring to.
    4. Ensure you have uploaded a copy of the Notice of Award (NOA) from the agency, a copy of the application and any applicable certifications.
      • Note: An administrator will claim your TRAQ DSS file and will release funds once all certifications and documents are in place.  Any pending items will show in your Reminders tab 鈥 See How to Find the status of your grant below.  Finally, once the file has been handed over to Research Accounting they will request budget and signing authority forms.  Once received they aim to have the account set up within 10 business days.
    5. Become familiar with Queen鈥檚 Researcher Resources Awards Training Manuals
    6. If you are a Hospital based researcher please review the How to for Hospital-Based Research
    7. Connect with the TRAQ Helpdesk or the appropriate Research Facilitator  if you have any troubles getting acquainted with the system.